we love to share

experience has taught us a lot

Once upon a time people created websites then forgot all about them. Job done now lets get on with something else.


Well, technically, there is nothing stopping you doing that right now. It rather depends on what you expect from your web site. We have had clients that have specified that they did not want to be found by search engines (Google and the like) because it attracted the wrong sort of client. That was the opinion of just one particular company.

I suppose it is the difference between being a shop front and being simply a brochure you hand out, or point people to in this case. Most desire the shop front scenario. This is where your customers can find you easily, find the shop window appealing and want to discover more and walk into the shop to talk to you, and buy.

Now if you are the customer walking down Google High Street which shop windows would get your attention? The dusty one with the latest stuff two years ago or a brightly lit window that has new things that you are interested in. Well the search engines know which you would go for so they put the popular ones up the busy end of the High Street. The old dusty ones end up past the telephone boxes, those in Kingston upon Thames will know exactly what I mean. Apologies if your shop is there.

So what can you do? There is lots but the most important is to keep your site 'alive'. This means keeping the content up to date with regular new material being added. Could be in the form of a blog, adding new offers, latest news flashes or what ever. Keep it alive and fresh and people will find you.

Credit to Niven's

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